“Freak Shows” These traveling shows were all the rage until they weren’t. Patrons became bored and tired of seeing these once fabulous “freaks”. But now everyone can see even crazier and more outlandish things all from the comfort of their own home by just picking up their phones . So what happened to all the “freaks”? They are the Forsaken, the forgotten, and just left for dead. The organizers had no need for them any more and left them where they were with just the big top tents and possessions they had.
Lately there is buzz that their is a “Doctor” that is attempting to gather up as many freaks as he possible can to try and experiment on them. Dr. Barnibus Stinson is hoping to mutate the “freak gene” into something even more crazy, wild, and disturbing. Be sure if you happen to find a former Freak Show that you are on high alert as all the “freaks” are now worried about any and all people they see. But the real threat is Dr. Stinson and his goons.
2022 will be the last season for this show